- Warunkowe zawieszenie wykonania kary po nowelizacji k.k. i k.k.w. — z perspektywy zadań kuratora sądowego
Object's details: Warunkowe zawieszenie wykonania kary po nowelizacji k.k. i k.k.w. — z perspektywy zadań kuratora sądowego
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See also
Penal policy of courts in the context of criminal law reform.Preliminary research results
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Contributor:Giezek, Jacek; Gruszecka, Dagmara; Kalisz, Tomasz
Contradictio in adiecto? Conditionally suspended non-isolation penalties under operative and proposed law
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Contributor:Kalisz, Tomasz
Probacja w wykroczeniach — o potrzebie warunkowego zawieszenia wykonania kary aresztu
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Contributor:Jabłoński, Mariusz; Tomanek, Artur
The institution of admonition referred to inArt. 173 of the Executive Penal Code
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The conditional suspension of the execution of a penalty — the genesis of the institution and its description in the Polish Penal Code of 1932
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Contributor:Konieczny, Afred; Ptak, Marian J.
Contemporary challenges in the work of court probation officer for adults. Critical recognition from the perspective of the Polish experience
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Contributor:Kalisz, Tomasz
Justifications of community penalties and the role of the probation officer — remarks on the background of generic community penalty in Poland and England and Wales
Creator:Stańdo-Kawecka, Barbara
Contributor:Kalisz, Tomasz
Optional basis for postponement of sentence in the 1997 criminal codification
Creator:Mrozek, Kamila