- Pedagogy of Rabindranath Tagore
Object's details: Pedagogy of Rabindranath Tagore
Hermeneutics, Social Criticism and Everyday Education Practice.
http://confluence.man.poznan.pl/community/display/FBCMETGUIDE - Title:
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; oai:repozytorium.uni.wroc.pl:108917 ; https://doi.org/10.34616/22.20.262 - Language:
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Additional information
- Creation date: 2020-06-03
- Last modification date: 2024-07-10
- Content object's number of views: 157
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See also
Slow religious eduction
Creator:Dąbrowski, Szymon
Sztuka złożoności – utopijny i sceptyczny impuls w edukacji politycznej Michaela Oakeshotta (szkic o konwersacji)
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Cancel culture jako autorytarna dystopia
Creator:Szumlewicz, Katarzyna
Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji „International relations and human rights”, Tallinn 11–13 marca 2016 r.
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Concern related to the culture of academic life as a fulfillment of university educational function
Creator:Kaczmarek, Żanetta
The Dynamics of Illiteracy Formation in India
Creator:Pietkiewicz-Pareek, Beata
Contributor:Włodarczyk, Rafał; Pietkiewicz-Pareek, Beata
The value of intercultural dialogue in overcoming conflicts at the crossroads of cultures
Creator:Nikitorowicz, Jerzy