- Transmission of Mental Images as a Mechanism of Composition in Performance in Oral Tradition on the Analysis of Homeric Poems
Publikation geplant: Transmission of Mental Images as a Mechanism of Composition in Performance in Oral Tradition on the Analysis of Homeric Poems
Quaestiones Oralitatis.
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http://confluence.man.poznan.pl/community/display/FBCMETGUIDE - Title:
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https://doi.org/10.34616/151418 ; - Language:
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Siehe auch
Recenzja: Rigels Halili, "Naród i jego pieśni. Rzecz o oralności, piśmienności i epice ludowej wśród Albańczyków i Serbów", Warszawa 2012
Ersteller:Soliński, Jędrzej
Beitragende:Torbus, Sławomir