Project description

Creation of the Repository of University of Wroclaw (Repository of UW - RUW) is an initiative undertaken by the Wroclaw University Library, which goal is to record, archive and disseminate scientific achievements of workers and to promote scientific research conducted at the University.

The Repository of University of Wroclaw is an institutional repository, which archives and makes available scientific as well as research and development materials, that were created by the employees, postgraduate students, and (in the selection) by the students of the University of Wroclaw or issued at the University of Wroclaw. These materials are divided into materials published and unpublished, and include, inter alia, dissertations, postdoctoral thesis, selected undergraduate’s and postgraduate’s thesis, research articles, conference papers, monographs or their chapters, didactic materials, posters, and so called gray literature i.e. any unpublished materials such as: statements, reports, etc.


Repository is organized by fields of knowledge, in accordance with the areas represented at the University in the frameworks of its organizational units, such as departments, institutes and other interfaculty units, and its structure is hierarchical, based on groups of subjects, covering a variety of collections.

The repository uses dLibra software - created and developed by the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center.

In connection with setting up the Repository of UW, at the University of Wroclaw the coordinators in departments, institutes or other organizational units of the University are appointed, who after training course in the University Library, will assume responsibility for:

  • further training of employees of their own unit, who are willing to self-archive ( to deposit) their works (published and unpublished) in the repository,
  • approving and correctness of the format and metadata of documents deposited,
  • contacts with the team that will be established in the University Library for coordinating the functioning of the repository at the University

The authorities of each organizational unit of the University will sign individual agreements with employees who subordinate to them organizationally, or with postgraduates and students, in the question concerning depositing scientific achievements in the Repository of UW. In these institutions, any person interested in using Repository, agrees to deposit in the University Repository scientific achievements, in accordance with the Rules of filling the repository and in cooperation (at least in the initial phase) with the coordinator of own organizational unit.

Ultimately, in the Repository of UW two forms of depositing objects will be allowed:

  • direct depositing (autoarchiving) - by the author of the work (after agreement with the authorities of their own organizational unit), after being trained by the coordinator who works on the institution level. In that case, the coordinator only approves the correctness of format and metadata of documents deposited before they are shared via Repository,
  • indirect depositing - by the coordinator of the organizational unit and in close collaboration with the author of the work.

University Library, that holds direct supervision over the functioning of the Repository of UW and on server of which materials deposited are stored - signs agreement with the authorities of each organizational unit of the University, which ensures that all documents archived by employees, postgraduates (or students) reporting to them organizationally will be:

  • archived in a way that will be stable during their storage,
  • will be presented in a manner consistent with any restrictions imposed by the depositary (e.g. presented only within the university network),
  • will be made available in a manner that will provide every potential user of repository with information on the principles of sharing and using, as indicated by the author's choice of a particular type of license (i.e. public domain, Creative Commons etc.).
  • In addition, the University Library provides materials in accordance with the Rules of Repository of UW and each user takes responsibility for its respecting.

    In case of depositary’s copyright infringement by the repository’s user - the University Library will not be a party in the resulting legal dispute.

    Access to bibliographic descriptions of works deposited in the Repository of UW is open to all interested users. In contrast, access to the full text of documents archived in the repository, in principle open to all interested, may be, in individual cases, restricted by the depositary of work only to authorized users.

Depositing works in the Repository of UW is of benefits for the University because of:

  • increase of the prestige of the University as a result of increased visibility of research conducted at the departments,
  • promotion and increase of the potential of scientific personnel,
  • support of the students’ education by facilitating their access to learning materials,
  • assistance in the implementation of administrative tasks, such as conducting reporting and evaluation of scientific personnel.

Benefits for scientific personnel originating from depositing works in the Repository of UW:

  • increase in citations of works shared in the open access,
  • increase of the "visibility" of scientific achievements - works archived in repositories are indexed by the global search engines, e.g. Google Scholar, Scirus and SCOPUS database,
  • universality and speed in access to research,
  • securing documents deposited in the repository - each document is assigned with a unique identifier, that prevents its disappearance in the global network,
  • ability to store documents in different formats,
  • possibility for the employees of the University for easy presentation of their achievements with access to the full text,
  • shortening of the time needed for presentation of researches’ results – pending the publication in the commercial journal, author deposits his/her work in the repository, disseminating its results immediately,
  • possibility to make his/her acquainted with statistics of the deposited works.
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