- Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves of the European Central Bank
Object's details: Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves of the European Central Bank
Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Przegląd Prawa i Administracji.
http://confluence.man.poznan.pl/community/display/FBCMETGUIDE - Title:
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oai:repozytorium.uni.wroc.pl:136233 ; https://doi.org/10.19195/0137-1134.127.33 ; ; - Source:
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- WUL Catalog: https://katalog.bu.uni.wroc.pl/lib/item?id=chamo:109942
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Additional information
- Creation date: 2023-01-23
- Last modification date: 2024-06-17
- Content object's number of views: 83
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See also
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