- Okremì aspekti viznannâ ustanovčih dokumentìv ûridičnih osìb (їh ob′êdnan′) nedìjskimi
Object's details: Okremì aspekti viznannâ ustanovčih dokumentìv ûridičnih osìb (їh ob′êdnan′) nedìjskimi
Wrocławsko-Lwowskie Zeszyty Prawnicze = Vroclavs'ko-L'vìvs'kij Ûridičnij Zbìrnik.
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- Creation date: 2021-02-15
- Last modification date: 2024-12-16
- Content object's number of views: 68
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See also
The scope of legal independence of law-making public institution
Creator:Raszewska-Skałecka, Renata
Contributor:Korczak, Jerzy; Szreniawski, Jan
The implementation of Community law obligations in the Italian legal framework: the “legge comunitaria” Community Statute
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Contributor:Jabłoński, Mariusz
Przeniesienie siedziby statutowej spółki do innego państwa członkowskiego w świetle swobody przedsiębiorczości
Creator:Stefanicki, Robert
Contributor:Frąckowiak, Józef
Socioeconomic and political and legal preconditions for the formation and development of modern self-government in Lvivin the second half of the 20th century, Socìal‘no-ekonomìčnì ta polìtiko-pravovì peredumovi stanovlennâ ta rozvitku modernogo samovrâduvannâ u L'vovì u drugìj polovinì XIX stolìttâ
Creator:Kiseličnik, Vasil'
Contributor:Marszał, Maciej; Burdìn, Volodimir
The free city statute wilkierz of landowners of weichbild and the city of Zielona Góra 1418
Creator:Ptak, Marian J.
Contributor:Kruszewski, Tomasz; Przygodzki, Jacek
Volunteer fire brigade in the national fire and rescue system
Creator:Ręcławowicz, Stanisław
Contributor:Kocowski, Tadeusz; Błażewski, Maciej; Małecki, Witold
Unavoidability of public administration in the scope of administrative establishment’s power — “removal from the list of students” on the basis of the case-law of administrative courts
Creator:Raszewska-Skałecka, Renata
Contributor:Kocowski, Tadeusz; Korczak, Jerzy; Lisowski, Piotr
Związek powiatowo-gminny jako nowy model formy współpracy jednostek samorządu lokalnego
Creator:Sikora, Kamil; Stelmasiak, Jerzy
Contributor:Korczak, Jerzy