- The impact of gender on control behavior when purchasing a new type of cheese
Object's details: The impact of gender on control behavior when purchasing a new type of cheese
Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Ekonomia.
http://confluence.man.poznan.pl/community/display/FBCMETGUIDE - Title:
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oai:repozytorium.uni.wroc.pl:94266 ; https://doi.org/10.19195/2084-4093.23.4.16 ; - Language:
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- WUL Catalog: https://katalog.bu.uni.wroc.pl/lib/item?id=chamo:109884
- Is version of: Czasopisma Naukowe w Sieci
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Additional information
- Creation date: 2019-02-05
- Last modification date: 2024-08-30
- Content object's number of views: 124
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See also
Kwestia płci w prawie unijnym
Creator:Cieśliński, Aleksander
Udział kobiet w afgańskim życiu politycznym w teorii i praktyce – wstęp do analizy
Creator:Krzyżanowski, Marcin
The issue of gender stereotypes in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Creator:Frańczak, Olga
Contributor:Górnicki, Leonard
Gender non grata
Creator:Florkowski, Robert
Contributor:Majka-Rostek, Dorota; Banaszak, Ewa; Czajkowski, Paweł; Kopciewicz, Lucyna
About Gender before Gender, that is the 17th and 19th Century’s Reflection on Social and Cultural Backgrounds of Womanhood - Mary Wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill
Creator:Grabowska, Barbara
Contributor:Majka-Rostek, Dorota; Banaszak, Ewa; Czajkowski, Paweł; Kopciewicz, Lucyna
Wyspiański is bibliotherapeutical, because is gendered? About pragmatization of classic’s institution
Creator:Kapusta, Anna
Contributor:Czernianin, Wiktor
Kobiety i płeć w Konstytucji RP
Creator:Śledzińska-Simon, Anna
Selected Philosophers’ Views of the Family
Creator:Szczap, Agnieszka
Contributor:Jędrychowska, Barbara; Jurczyk-Romanowska, Ewa