- Pravo začatogo rebenka na žizn' kak zakon sohraneniâ garmonii v mire i obŝestve v filosofii ariizma
Object's details: Pravo začatogo rebenka na žizn' kak zakon sohraneniâ garmonii v mire i obŝestve v filosofii ariizma
Nasciturus pro iam nato habetur : o ochronę dziecka poczętego i jego matki.
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- Last modification date: 2024-04-22
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See also
The philosophy of religion and the philosophy of religious education
Creator:Moskal, Piotr
Law and morality in Angloamerican philosophy of law
Creator:Bojek-Pohl, Ernest
Contributor:Helios, Joanna; Jedlecka, Wioletta; Kwieciński, Adam; Chmielnicki, Paweł
Between finity and infinity- religniousness and the experience of the life world
Creator:Humeniuk, Monika
Religia w Korei Południowej na przestrzeni ostatnich 35 lat
Creator:Oleksiuk, Marlena
Contributor:Sadowski, Mirosław
ICC Court Decision on Reparation for Victims of the Post-Election Violence: No Reparation without Conviction Prosecutor v. William Samoei Ruto and Joshua Arap Sang, Decision on the Request Regarding Reparations, 1 July 2016
Creator:Musiał-Budnicka, Joanna
Contributor:Kozłowski, Artur
„Okres porodu” i jego konsekwencje temporalne na gruncie art.149 k.k.
Creator:Brzezińska, Joanna
Contributor:Bogunia, Leszek
Rudolf Otto o filozofii religii Kanta i Friesa
Creator:Giel, Joanna; Jacyk, Dominika