- Punkty widzenia niepełnosprawności – problemy rodziny z niepełnosprawnym bliskim
Object's details: Punkty widzenia niepełnosprawności – problemy rodziny z niepełnosprawnym bliskim
Wychowanie w Rodzinie.
http://confluence.man.poznan.pl/community/display/FBCMETGUIDE - Title: ;
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; ; oai:repozytorium.uni.wroc.pl:65138 ; https://doi.org/10.23734/wwr20114.015.022 - Source:
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https://wwr.edusfera.press/ - Rights holder:
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Additional information
- Creation date: 2015-10-13
- Last modification date: 2025-02-17
- Content object's number of views: 320
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See also
Selected conditions for endometrial acceptance and preferred forms of psychological asistance
Creator:Lewandowska, Bianka
Contributor:Kuczyńska, Alicja
Czy to wszystko rodzina? Promocja tolerancji i edukacyjny aspekt biblioterapii a percepcja społeczna alternatywnych form życia małżeńsko-rodzinnego
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Contributor:Czernianin, Wiktor
Adolescent personalities and their self-acceptance within complete families, incomplete families and reconstructed families
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Contributor:Kuczyńska, Alicja
The role of family and school in the formation of the culture of thought, cultural identity and tolerance of personality in young people
Creator:Kovalchuk, Larysa
Contributor:Walasek, Stefania; Szerląg, Alicja
Open to compromise? Teachers-to-be and Islam
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Teachers-to-be and Islam. Has a change taken place?
Creator:Lendzion, Joanna
Marginal of elderly people towards social acceptance. Changes in attitudes to seniors on the example of social help institution
Creator:Zbyrad, Teresa J.
Contributor:Grotowska, Stella; Taranowicz, Iwona; Libiszowska-Żółtkowska, Maria
Activity of Children’s Hospices for Family on the Basis of Analysis of Internet Resources Available on Hospice Websites
Creator:Godawa, Grzegorz