- Attributing Responsibility in the Debate on the Eurozone Crisis: Nationally confined or Europeanized?
Object's details: Attributing Responsibility in the Debate on the Eurozone Crisis: Nationally confined or Europeanized?
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- Creation date: 2014-11-07
- Last modification date: 2024-11-13
- Content object's number of views: 603
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See also
Assessing legitimacy in the Southern Eurozone crisis through Discursive Actor Attribution Analysis of media reports, 2009-2013
Creator:Sommer, Moritz; Roose, Jochen; Kanellopoulos, Kostas; Kousis, Maria; Scholl, Franziska
Discursive Actor Attribution Analysis: A Tool to Analyze How People Make Sense of the Eurozone Crisis
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Public administration in Germany and Greece
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Contributor:Cendrowicz, Dominika; Chrisidu-Budnik, Agnieszka; Machaj, Łukasz
Kryzys w strefie euro
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Contributor:Kundera, Jarosław
Kilka uwag o wolności i niewoli, prawdzie i kłamstwie w świecie antycznych Greków i Rzymian
Creator:Żeber, Ireneusz (1944– )
Contributor:Konieczny, Afred; Jurek, Piotr
The impact of the European debt crisis on the economy of Ukraine
Creator:Pitgurska, Olena
Contributor:Winiarski, Marcin
Moral leadership in the XXI century. The case of Angela Merkel and the European refugee crisis
Creator:Jacob, Anne Marie
Contributor:Cendrowicz, Dominika; Chrisidu-Budnik, Agnieszka; Machaj, Łukasz
Udział poleis Grecji egejskiej w rzymskich wojnach w I w. p.n.e
Creator:Pawlak, Marcin