- The Ara Pacis and the Date of Augustus’ Restoration of the Flamonium Diale: A Note on Tac. Ann. III 58, 2 and Dio LIV 36, 1
Planned publication: The Ara Pacis and the Date of Augustus’ Restoration of the Flamonium Diale: A Note on Tac. Ann. III 58, 2 and Dio LIV 36, 1
EOS Organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Filologicznego.
http://confluence.man.poznan.pl/community/display/FBCMETGUIDE - Title:
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https://doi.org/10.34616/e.2024.89.97 - Rights holder:
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See also
Words Not Delivered by Cicero in Pro Milone
Creator:Pierzak, Damian
Censurae Librorum
Creator:Pierzak, Damian
Contributor:Pigoń, Jakub (red.); Nawotka, Krzysztof (red.)
The Example of the Gracchi and Cicero's Publication of His Catilinarians 1
Creator:Pierzak, Damian