- Thirty Years' War - the uprising of the Silesian dukes and estates against the royal power in 1618: the right to active resistance or an act of rebelion?
Object's details: Thirty Years' War - the uprising of the Silesian dukes and estates against the royal power in 1618: the right to active resistance or an act of rebelion?
Śląski Kwartalnik Historyczny Sobótka. 2022, nr 3.
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oai:repozytorium.uni.wroc.pl:135464 ; https://doi.org/10.34616/SKHS.2018.S.04 ; ; - Language:
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- Last modification date: 2024-09-27
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See also
Conclusions from the analysis of forces that integrated Silesia as a region between 1526 and 1740
Creator:Harc, Lucyna
Contributor:Harc, Lucyna; Wąs, Gabriela; Maroń, Jerzy
Města a vojáci v oblasti Opolska za třicetileté války
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Integration and the economy. Silesia in the early modern period
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Contributor:Harc, Lucyna; Wąs, Gabriela; Maroń, Jerzy
Die Region Schlesien (1618–1740). Die sozialen Gruppierungen und ihre Bedeutung für die Identität des Landes
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Contributor:Harc, Lucyna; Wąs, Gabriela; Maroń, Jerzy
The principles of the Cuius regio project and the history of Silesia between 1526 and 1740
Creator:Wąs, Gabriela
Contributor:Harc, Lucyna; Wąs, Gabriela; Maroń, Jerzy
Social structures and social groups in the processes of integration and disintegration of Silesia as a region (1526–1619)
Creator:Wąs, Gabriela
Contributor:Harc, Lucyna; Wąs, Gabriela; Maroń, Jerzy
Institutions and administrative bodies, and their role in the processes of integration and disintegration in Silesia
Creator:Wąs, Gabriela
Contributor:Harc, Lucyna; Wąs, Gabriela; Maroń, Jerzy
Geographical characteristics of Silesia
Creator:Kosmala, Gerard
Contributor:Wiszewski, Przemysław; Goliński, Mateusz