- Magdeburz'ke pravo v Ukraїnì
Object's details: Magdeburz'ke pravo v Ukraїnì
Wrocławsko-Lwowskie Zeszyty Prawnicze = Vroclavs'ko-L'vìvs'kij Ûridičnij Zbìrnik.
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- Creation date: 2021-02-09
- Last modification date: 2025-02-03
- Content object's number of views: 875
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See also
Maǵdeburs′ke pravo âk džerelo kodifìkacìї ukraїns′kogo prava (XVIII – počatok XIX st.)
Creator:Kobilec'kij, Mikola
Contributor:Bojko, Andrìj Mihajlovič; Marszał, Maciej
Self-Governance in the Cities of Getmanshchyna under the Magdeburg Law, Samovrâduvannâ v mìstah Get′manŝini za magdeburs′kim pravom
Creator:Kobilec'kij, Mikola
Contributor:Bojko, Andrìj Mihajlovič; Marszał, Maciej
Codification problems of Polish administrative law
Creator:Bieś-Srokosz, Paulina
Contributor:Marszał, Maciej; Burdìn, Volodimir
Custom in the Present International Law of the Sea
Creator:Mik, Cezary
Contributor:Krzan, Bartłomiej
Koniec ery kodeksów?
Creator:Kaczor, Jacek
Contributor:Jabłoński, Mariusz; Jarosz-Żukowska, Sylwia
Political crimes in Polish criminal law thought of the Poniatowski era in the light of Józef Weyssenhoff’s and Józef Szymanowski’s proposals
Creator:Wiązek, Paweł
Contributor:Konieczny, Afred; Ptak, Marian J.
Problems of codification of administrative law in Soviet science in the years 1956–1967
Creator:Małecki, Witold
Contributor:Korczak, Jerzy
On the Codification of Labour Legislation in Ukraine and the Problems of its Compliance with Basic Provisions of Labour Law Studies
Creator:Pilipenko, Pilip
Contributor:Bojko, Andrìj Mihajlovič; Marszał, Maciej