- Uwagi na temat kierunku zmian prawa karnego materialnego w latach 2015–2019
Object's details: Uwagi na temat kierunku zmian prawa karnego materialnego w latach 2015–2019
Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Przegląd Prawa i Administracji.
http://confluence.man.poznan.pl/community/display/FBCMETGUIDE - Title:
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oai:repozytorium.uni.wroc.pl:110337 ; https://doi.org/10.19195/0137-1134.120.62 ; ; - Source:
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- WUL Catalog: https://katalog.bu.uni.wroc.pl/lib/item?id=chamo:109942
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- Creation date: 2020-08-03
- Last modification date: 2024-12-16
- Content object's number of views: 220
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See also
Exemplary damages from Article 46 § 2of the Criminal Codeimposed instead of remedying damage obligation
Creator:Muszyńska, Anna
Contributor:Kalisz, Tomasz
Issues related to a transfer of receivables for damages caused by a crime — selected issues
Creator:Muszyńska, Anna; Jura, Angelika
Contributor:Kalisz, Tomasz
Kodeksowe i pozakodeksowe określenie sankcji karnych związanych z penalizacją przestępstw korupcyjnych
Creator:Samuel, Paulina
Contributor:Winiarski, Marcin
Remarks against selected solutions implemented by the amendment to the Penal Code of 20 February 2015
Creator:Muszyńska, Anna
Contributor:Kalisz, Tomasz
The nature of the legal obligation of remedy — remarks on the margin of a monograph Remedying of Harm Resulting from Crime Warsaw 2010
Creator:Łucarz, Katarzyna
Contributor:Kalisz, Tomasz
Prerequisites of the Penal code amendment in the scope of enacting punitive damages and monetary benefits as penal means paid for social goals – and the attempt at its estimation from a retrospective point of view
Creator:Politowicz, Konrad A.
Contributor:Górnicki, Leonard
The statutory basis of using non-custodial penalties in the Penal Code of 1997 after the amendment of 20th February 2015
Creator:Kokot, Rajnhardt
Contributor:Kalisz, Tomasz
A few remarks on a compensative function of criminal law
Creator:Pływaczewski, Emil W.; Guzik-Makaruk, Ewa M.
Contributor:Giezek, Jacek; Gruszecka, Dagmara; Kalisz, Tomasz