- Rodzina jako przestrzeń rozwijania umiejętności społecznych dziecka
Object's details: Rodzina jako przestrzeń rozwijania umiejętności społecznych dziecka
Wychowanie w Rodzinie.
http://confluence.man.poznan.pl/community/display/FBCMETGUIDE - Title: ;
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; ; oai:repozytorium.uni.wroc.pl:78670 ; https://doi.org/10.23734/wwr20161.345.358 - Source:
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https://wwr.edusfera.press/ - Rights holder:
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Additional information
- Creation date: 2016-12-15
- Last modification date: 2024-08-06
- Content object's number of views: 1621
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See also
Educating a happy man as the fundamental aim of education
Creator:Piecuch, Ewelina
Contributor:Ferenz, Krystyna; Kowalska, Ewa
Image of the child depicted in Polish television series
Creator:Piecuch, Ewelina
Contributor:Jurczyk-Romanowska, Ewa; Albański, Leszek
The role of families in the language development of elementary children
Creator:Kiełb-Starczewska, Ewa
Contributor:Jurczyk-Romanowska, Ewa; Piwowarczyk, Mirosław
Family conditions of linguistic development in the first years of a child’s life
Creator:Olejnik-Krupa, Emilia
Modification of the function of preschool in children’s position in the family
Creator:Dmochowska, Halina
Contributor:Jurczyk-Romanowska, Ewa; Albański, Leszek
The dialogue in the family with a disabled child – a critical assessment of the functioning in childhood, in the opinions of disabled students
Creator:Godawa, Grzegorz; Kutek-Składek, Katarzyna
Contributor:Jurczyk-Romanowska, Ewa; Gandecka, Kamila
Family and its commitment to support the development and rehabilitation of a child with a disability
Creator:Barłóg, Krystyna
Faces of Childhood in Polish Postwar Household. Collection of memories
Creator:Doniec, Renata