@misc{_Fabrica_2021, copyright={Copyright by Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Socjologii}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The fourth issue of Fabrica Societatis presents articles by social researchers that concern issues such as contemporary parenthood, cultures and practices of motherhood and fatherhood. Anna Kwak, who explores parenting in the form of maternal gatekeeping; Ewa Maciejewska-Mroczek and Maria Reimann, who examine the male experience of adoption; Małgorzata Gawrońska, who focuses on visual representations of motherhood on Instagram in the perspective of displaying families; and Martyna Popławska, who reviews research on alternate care - all these authors present the results of their research. Their papers continue the thread that has already emerged in previous issues of the journal and focus on family-related issues. What is more, the volume includes a new section entitled Social Debates. In Poland, many important debates have been taking place in recent years, e.g. on sexual education, labour, climate change and reproductive rights. Many of these topics are politically entangled and polarise the social scene. The extremes of positions and the intensification of discussions are a ‘blessing’ for social scientists. Not surprisingly, there are more and more research projects and studies in these areas, demonstrating different worldviews or the meanings given to experiences of work, education, etc. All these issues and reflections are presented in the new section of the journal, Social Debates. The journal also continues its efforts to create a platform for presenting completed research projects by young sociologists (Sociological Debuts). As previously, the empirical explorations of the young generation of researchers are included in two sections - article by Dominika Chmielewska and Alicja Jeznach in Social Debates, while the work of Anastasia Zakusilo, Natalia Bilska, Alicja Bylicka and Joanna Rożdżestwieńska in Sociological Debuts.}, type={text}, title={Fabrica Societatis. No. 4/2021}, keywords={masculinity, antinatalism, youth, body positivity, feminism, anti-body shaming, femininity, civic engagement, parental roles, formal sex education, pronatalism, fatherhood, labor market, young adults, maternal gatekeeping, civil society, displaying families, adoption, Instagram, civic attitudes, precarity, body neutrality, shared parenting, generation Z, sexuality, parenthood, teachers of education for family life, sex educators, overpopulation, motherhood, equality, per-divorce conflict}, }