@misc{Granat_Mirosław_La, author={Granat, Mirosław}, copyright={Copyright by Mirosław Granat}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={E-Wydawnictwo. Prawnicza i Ekonomiczna Biblioteka Cyfrowa. Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={fre}, abstract={According to the constitutional catalogue of sources of law the European Convention on Human Rights has the priority over the national acts (if the act is incompatible with the Convention). Also, the Convention is directly applicable. Human and citizen rights and freedoms which are defined in The Constitution of the Republic of Poland (chapter III), as well as the rights and freedoms defined in international law, form a specific system of human rights protection. The subject-matter overlap between national and international law makes the protection of an individuals even more complete. However it influences the role of Constitution and some collisions between those systems occurs. This kind of situation becomes a challenge for the judges. National judges should be aware of the European human right system to ensure a proper application of a law. There is a lot of complaints submitted to The European Court of Human Rights against Poland. However it is not just a result of weaknesses in national human rights protection. It is also caused by good knowledge of the European system and common legal awareness.}, title={La CEDH et les juges nationaux en Pologne}, keywords={Europejska Konwencja Praw Człowieka, sędzia krajowy, skarga konstytucyjna, skuteczne środki krajowe, nieuzasadnione długie postępowanie, godność ludzka, interpretacja konstytucyjna, Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka, tymczasowe aresztowanie}, }