@misc{_Bibliotherapy_2016, copyright={Copyright by Department of Psychology, Faculty of Historical and Pedagogical Sciences, University of Wrocław}, copyright={Copyright by Instytut Psychologii, Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych, Uniwersytet Wrocławski}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, language={pol}, abstract={There is a progressive change in recent years in the Polish bibliotherapy, that forces the need for a scientific journal, where works depicting the main currents of polish bibliotherapeutic thought can be published. Responding to these needs and expectations the biannual journal The Bibliotherapy Review has been published by the Institute of Psychology at University of Wrocław. First of all, there are published articles about topics included in the program of the Postgraduate Studies of Bibliotherapy at University of Wrocław. Editorial Board and the Editors are intended to guide the journal into the modern direction and way of thinking about bibliotherapy and work of bibliotherapists.}, abstract={Published by Department of Psychology Faculty of Historical and Pedagogical Sciences University of Wrocław.}, type={text}, title={Bibliotherapy Review 2016, vol. VI, no. 2 : From Editors}, keywords={medicine, bibliotherapy, clinical psychology, literary, librarianship, art therapy, special education}, }