@misc{Kapusta_Anna_The_2015, author={Kapusta, Anna}, copyright={Copyright by Anna Kapusta}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Publishing House eBooki.com.pl}, publisher={http://www.ebooki.com.pl/ www.ebooki.com.pl}, language={pol}, abstract={The article depicts the analysis and interpretation Requiem, the work of Stanisław Wyspiański as a meditation literary text useful in bibliotherapeutical process. The authoress formulates the hypotesis, that gender cathegory makes Wyspiański’s text a text of mindfulness what means that there is a literary material facilitates maximal concentration of attention of responder-reader. The issue of the research is a problem of literary text as a mindfulness meditation text. The work of Stanisław Wyspiański was treated in applied research method as a bibliotherapeutical material takes the topic of creativity process. The result of this analysis and interpretation is constatation that literary meditation can be bibliotherapeutical process.}, type={text}, title={The gender of perception. Requiem: the text of mindfulness}, keywords={gender, bibliotherapeutical process, meditation, Stanisław Wyspiański, mindfulness}, }