@misc{Ofiarski_Zbigniew_Pomoc, author={Ofiarski, Zbigniew}, copyright={Copyright by Zbigniew Ofiarski}, howpublished={online}, publisher={E-Wydawnictwo. Prawnicza i Ekonomiczna Biblioteka Cyfrowa. Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Pursuant to the Act on repatriation, financial assistance can be allocated for the following purposes: repair or adaptation of a dwelling, satisfaction of residential needs, provision of healthcare, and reimbursement of costs of a Polish language course. The financial aid related to repatriates’ need for accommodation, which is essential in terms of basic needs, is provided in two different ways. The first procedure consists in reimbursement of expenses related to the renovation, adaptation or fitting and equipping an apartment/house incurred by the repatriate at the place of his residence in Poland by the head of the local administrative unit at the county (poviat) level. As it comes to the second procedure, the Government Plenipotentiary for Repatriation provides housing subsidies (including subsidized apartment/house or subsidized hostel accommodation) or subsidies for purchasing a residential apartment/house for a period shorter than 10 years. Both forms of financial assistance are funded from the state budget, and the total amount of subsidies is limited – either to PLN 6 000 or PLN 25 000 per individual repatriate.}, title={Pomoc finansowa na zaspokojenie potrzeb mieszkaniowych repatrianta jako forma wpływu administracji na życie jednostki}, keywords={repatriates, financial assistance, state budget, public administration, residential needs}, }