@misc{Chybicka_Małgorzata_Mentor/tutor_2018, author={Chybicka, Małgorzata and Kozłowska, Wiesława and Łechtańska, Ewa}, copyright={Copyright by Małgorzata Chybicka}, copyright={Copyright by Wiesława Kozłowska}, copyright={Copyright by Ewa Łechtańska}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Instytut Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Presentation of the organizational framework of elementary education students’ practices at the Faculty of Pedagogy at State University of Applied Sciences in Konin (PWSZ). The fact is that practice time is a dynamic process that requires flexibility and openness on three sides: students, teacher trainers and academic teachers. We can find some interesting reflection around practices in pedagogical literature. Interesting aspect of the process of improving student’s practice is meeting of different expectations with the reality of the following professional roles and perspectives: the trainee, the mentor in the place of the student’s practice, the tutor of practices at the university.}, title={Mentor/tutor of elementary education student practice – on the face of social roles and mutual expectations}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/22.19.036}, keywords={early school education, teachers’ competences, teacher trainer}, }