@misc{Bojarska_Natalia_Education_2017, author={Bojarska, Natalia and Florek, Anna}, copyright={Copyright by Natalia Bojarska}, copyright={Copyright by Anna Florek}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Instytut Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={An attractive school, which performs the role of the local centre of activity and takes care of needs of a child, develops passion and interests, is the answer to challenges of the changing world and needs of the job market. Involvement of non-governmental organizations in actions supporting the education can cause such effects. As a result of research carried out by Good Education Society as a part of the project „Cooperation for good education”, financed by the PZU Foundation, analysis of various educational solutions implemented in schools and non-governmental organizations operating in the area of education was performed. Applied educational solutions are pointing at essential direction of the innovation in the education – recognizing the subjectivity of the young man and the individualization of action directed at him. They are aimed at creating environment and possibilities not only for the intellectual development but also for developing personal, interpersonal an cross-cultural competence useful in the life.}, title={Education for the everyday life and the future – examples of innovative solutions of organizing supporting the education}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/22.19.230}, keywords={education, innovation, non-governmental organizations, personalization, school}, }