@misc{Ferenz_Krystyna_Ritual_2017, author={Ferenz, Krystyna}, copyright={Copyright by Krystyna Ferenz}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Instytut Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={People are entering into relationships, emotional and social bonds are being created. They are the base of group’s existence. Each person belongs to a group. During the process of socialization one gets to know the ethical fundaments that decide on the cultural specifics of the group. The values and norms are being known through the standards and models of behaviors in social situations. Every culture builds a symbolic frame around its most important values. It underlines the range of the affirmated values. Recognizing the symbols, learning to read them, understanding this mean of communication enables to feel the connection between people and their relatives, or even the unknown people that are known to care about the same matters, that they understand in the same way. In the generational transfer of the cultural heritage an important role is played by the tradition. Communities use rites as the means of transmission. Its specific set relating to values important for the group is taking a form of ritual or ceremony, in which occurs a configuration of signs and symbols expressed verbally or non-verbally. Rituals and ceremonies are saturated with emotional elements, what results in perceiving the participation in them as a community experience.}, title={Ritual and ceremony as situations of children’s experiencingof the cultural identity}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/22.19.039}, keywords={ceremony, children's experiencing, cultural identity, ritual}, }