@misc{Rogaczewska_Krystyna_Non-governmental, author={Rogaczewska, Krystyna}, copyright={Copyright by Krystyna Rogaczewska}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, language={pol}, abstract={In contemporary democratic countries social life is lead in three areas. From that perspective three sectors are distinguished: - I sector: national institutions- II sector: private organizations (business)- III sector: organizations which are not the part of national institutions and are not profit-oriented.The term „non-governmental organization” emerged in 1950 on the United Nations forum. The nature of non-governmental organizations is strictly bound with the functioning of civil society. These two categories are sometimes identified with each other. First, civil society and non-governmental organizations to function properly need a democratic system which has to have institutional legal guarantees. Second, it is necessary to legally guarantee basic civil liberties, such as: freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of consciousness, right to own property. Third, the protection of pluralistic society model that is based on presumption that the disputes are settled by compromise. The last condition refers to political culture that refers to citizen category, in other words the empowered individual who is equipped with rights but also the individual who is conscious of his/her duties.The non-governmental organizations may operate locally, regionally or on national or international level but each time the substance of this activity is openness to other human being, acceptance of otherness, pursuing to self-improvement or readiness to help. The activity of third sector refers to the axiological level because profit is not its goal. The values are crucial here however sometimes the activity of those organizations is connected with distribution of services or material assets.}, title={Non-governmental Organizations in International Politics}, doi={https://doi.org/10.23734/26.17.001}, keywords={Non – Governmental Organization, International Relations, Civil Society, Global Problems of the Contemporary World, Education for Citizenship}, }