@misc{Jagiełło_Paweł_Małżeństwo_2016, author={Jagiełło, Paweł}, copyright={Copyright by Katedra Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych WPAiE UWr, Koło Naukowe Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych WPAiE & Authors}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Koło Naukowe Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych, Katedra Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych, Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytet Wrocławski}, language={pol}, abstract={Marriage is a fundamental institution of a Polish family law. This institution remains in the churches and other religious associations field of interest, though at the beginning of history of Christianity there were no Christian religious formsof marriage. Religious marriage with a civil effect is a facilitation for the people, whowant their marriage totakean effect in a Polish law and in the religious association. Pentecostal Church in the Republic of Poland is one of the pentecostal and evangelical churches. The most important elements of a Pentecostal Church preaching about marriage and sex are gatheredin The Superior Council of a Pentecostal Church in the Republic of Poland’s opinion about marriage, divorce, remarriage, and family planning. Procedure of a marriage included preparatory doing (by a manager of a Register Office and by a Pastor), ceremony of marriage (by a clergyman) and registration (Pastor and a manager of a Register Office)}, title={Małżeństwo o podwójnym skutku w Prawie Wewnętrznym Kościoła Zielonoświątkowego w RP}, keywords={małżeństwo, Kościół Zielonoświątkowy, prawo rodzinne, prawo wyznaniowe}, }