@misc{Kozikowska_Joanna_Controlled_2016, author={Kozikowska, Joanna}, copyright={Copyright by Joanna Kozikowska}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Zakład Historii Edukacji Instytutu Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of this article is to analyse the motif of play appearing in early modernDutch literature, from the perspective of the humanistic pedagogical ideas. These werehumanist educators, such as Erasmus of Rotterdam and Juan Luis Vives, who started torecognize the pedagogical and educational benefits of game playing. The author discussesa manner in which the humanistic pedagogical ideals are reflected in the domainof the didactic literature, propagating ideal patterns of behavior. The paper addressesthe mentioned problem by analyzing the phenomenon of play present in the one of themost popular Dutch didactic treatises Marriage (Houwelyck, 1625) of 17th-century poetand moralist Jacob Cats (1577–1660). It turns out that the motif of play presented in thetreatise affects different contexts: educational, pedagogical and moral. Furthermore, thepoet evaluates the concept of play by making a distinction between good and badgames. This division serves him as a metaphor of an ideal and non-ideal upbringing andparenthood. The analysis also shows that by recognizing the educational benefits of thisform of entertainment, play, unless purposeful and useful, raises moral doubts, what,according to Jacob Cats and the mentioned humanist educators, has constituted its existencein the child’s world}, title={Controlled games: motif of child’s play in early modernDutch literature}, type={tekst}, doi={https://doi.org/10.23734/wwr20162.029.040}, keywords={children’s games, motif of play, early modern period, Dutch literature, early modern literature, didactic literature, Humanism, Reformation, humanistic pedagogicalideas,, Jacob Cats, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Juan Luis Vives, Christiaan Huygens}, }