@misc{Kożuchowski_Józef_Education_2016, author={Kożuchowski, Józef}, copyright={Copyright by Józef Kożuchowski}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Zakład Historii Edukacji Instytutu Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In the present article the vision of upbringing developed by one of the most outstanding German thinkers Robert Spaemann is discussed. First and foremost, the importance of courage has been noted; the courage with which the educators of young people display through their mission. This aspect of the problem has been discussed in the context of the so-called cultural revolutions in Germany, the time of the restoration of this country, emancipation, and the new threats to the process of education (born from ideologies, the scepticism of educators, mass media, subjectivity, hedonism, the tendency to treat life as a science, the reduction of the human being from the subject in education to the role of a machine, making the education process too rationalised) that have arisen contemporarily. The paper also contains valuable and interesting thoughts and pieces of advice by Spaemann on the subject of education, its aim, the way it is carried out, and the means of conquering destructive tendencies (threats).}, type={tekst}, title={Education is an act of courage. The vision of Robert Spaemann}, doi={https://doi.org/10.23734/wwr20161.019.035}, keywords={education, courage, cultural revolutions, emancipation, Robert Spaemann}, }