@misc{Florkowski_Robert_Gender, author={Florkowski, Robert}, copyright={Copyright by Robert Florkowski}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Institute of Sociology, University of Wrocław}, language={pol}, abstract={In spite of its appearance in modern democratic societies, moral panic displays features of a totalistic discourse. It may be interpreted as an efficient tool used by groups and individuals engaged in moral crusades defending status quo. The so-called “gender education” triggered moral agitation because of its potential to transgress axionormative systems, which are bound to sex, sexuality, and family. Relativistic explorations and permission for alternative behavior induce anxiety and sense of endanger in a significant segment of society. Appearing counteractions aim at stigmatization and elimination of what isperceived as different and dangerous to the social order. Panic reactions convert gender education into gender non grata.}, title={Gender non grata}, keywords={moral panic, gender, transgression}, }