@misc{Pluta_Jacek_Constructivism,, author={Pluta, Jacek}, copyright={Copyright by Jacek Pluta}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Institute of Sociology, University of Wrocław}, language={pol}, abstract={The article aims at an analysis of social constructivism as a part of paradigmatic disagreement present in the field of social sciences that intends to explain the role of gender difference in the social life. The main subject is an analysis of causes, for which a different status of gender – being the key element of historically observable forms of socialisation –does not gain the same theoretical value within the field of classic sociology, as it does in the case of gender studies. One of the possible explanations of such situation is a disparate way of conceptualisation of the gender difference by sociology and by gender studies on the grounds of social constructivism.}, type={tekst}, title={Constructivism, gender, and sociological mind}, keywords={gender difference, sociological mind, gender studies, constructivism, social reality}, }