@misc{Gacek_Michał_Psychometric_2014, author={Gacek, Michał and Pilecka, Władysława and Fusińska-Korpik, Agnieszka}, copyright={Copyright by Michał Gacek, Władysława Pilecka, Agnieszka Fusińska-Korpik}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Department of Psychology, University of Wrocław}, publisher={http://www.psychologia.uni.wroc.pl www.psychologia.uni.wroc.pl}, publisher={Publishing House eBooki.com.pl}, publisher={http://www.ebooki.com.pl/ www.ebooki.com.pl}, language={eng}, abstract={The Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC) is a measure which allows one to assess children’s self-concept. Our article presents this instrument’s psychometric properties within a Polish sample. In our study we tested 432 elementary school students and 14 form teachers. As validity indicators we used the Teacher’s Rating Scale of Child’s Actual Behavior (TRS) and the average school grade for the previous semester. The Polish version of SPPC yielded good psychometric properties. The instrument’s factorial structure paralleled the structure of the original version. Reliability was high both in terms of internal consistency and test-retest results. Scale validity was confirmed in the correlational analysis. Boys scored higher than girls in the Physical Appearance and Global Self-Worth subscales but lower in the Behavioral Conduct subscale. Younger children scored higher than older children in the Scholastic Competence, Physical Appearance, and Global Self-Worth subscales. Judgments on children’s physical appearance were the best predictor of their global self-worth.}, type={text}, title={Psychometric properties of Self-Perception Profile for Children in a Polish sample}, keywords={self-esteem, children, cross-cultural validation, Self-Perception Profile, self-concept}, }