@misc{Skocz_Marcin_Rasizm_2014, author={Skocz, Marcin}, copyright={Copyright by Anna Pacześniak, Monika Klimowicz & Autorzy}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={OTO Agencja Reklamowa}, language={pol}, abstract={Racism and xenophobia, however as terms widely understandable, are not clearly defined and the description may vary according to the discipline. This provide international conventions with to broader approach of racial discrimination rather than using more specific terms. Due to high sensitiveness of the issue, no common agreement on measurement is provided and agreed internationally. Despite that, most of the experts and researchers agreed upon the scale of the phenomena as high. Even the most covered by institutions and researches area of European Union is not free from it. The list of examples provides us with assumption of even bigger problems with racism and xenophobia in other parts of the world. The article provide us with ground information on the UN system of protection against racial discrimination, short history of development in Europe with focus on the European Union nowadays and discuss the problems of anti-racism regulations in Americas, finishing with the situation in Africa. General summary of the situation pictured in the chapter is showing different stages of development but also of efficiency of anti- racism and anti – xenophobia regulation in the World. While providing readers with brief information on current situation, the article also point some of the weaknesses.}, title={Rasizm i ksenofobia}, keywords={organizacje międzynarodowe, politologia, prawa człowieka, demokracja, pomoc humanitarna, migracje, patologie, bezpieczeństwo, terroryzm międzynarodowy, ochrona środowiska}, }