@misc{Taranowicz_Iwona_Deconstructing_2014, author={Taranowicz, Iwona}, copyright={Copyright by Iwona Taranowicz}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytet Wrocławski}, publisher={http://www.socjologia.uni.wroc.pl/}, language={eng}, abstract={The major thesis of the article is the fact that the old age – perceived as a definable and describable state – is vanishing from social space and being replaced by ageing; a process that can be controlled by man. It is the result of ongoing processes: not only ageing, but also more general social processes, such as changes in the job market, the weakening of the social security system based on the solidarity principle, progress in medical science, processes of individualization and cultural changes. Old age, just like death, is becoming eradicated from social awareness.}, type={tekst}, title={Deconstructing old age? On the evolution of social concepts of the late stage of life}, keywords={deconstructing, ageing of society, old age, older people, the elderly, social transformations}, }