@misc{Raduła_Michał_Prawo_2022, author={Raduła, Michał}, copyright={Copyright by CNS}, copyright={Copyright by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego sp. z o.o., Wrocław 2022}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The most important patient right is the right to healthcare. The other patient rights, including the right to privacy, could compete with the right to healthcare. In the current legislation there is no guarantee of the appropriate realization of the right to healthcare because of restricted regulations of the right to privacy. Wristbands with barcodes for patients allow for the parallel realization of the right to healthcare and the right to privacy.}, type={text}, title={Prawo pacjenta do świadczeń zdrowotnych a prawo do prywatności — konkurencja interesów na przykładzie znaków identyfikacyjnych pacjenta}, keywords={patients’ rights, healthcare, right to privacy, barcode}, }