@misc{Bartoszewicz_Mateusz_Mechanizmy_2022, author={Bartoszewicz, Mateusz}, copyright={Copyright by Mateusz Bartoszewicz}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, school={University of Wroclaw}, year={2022}, language={pol}, abstract={The subject of the dissertation are the mechanisms of political propaganda in selected Polish weeklies with socio-political profile. The main aim of the research was to compare a selected range of linkages of six opinion weeklies (“Do Rzeczy”, “Sieci”, “Gazeta Polska”, “Wprost”, “Newsweek Polska”, “Polityka”) with Polish political actors and institutions dependent on them (companies with State Treasury shareholding, central offices, ministries, local government units), as well as other media institutions. Such discursive relations are referred: as mechanisms of political propaganda.The theoretical framework of the dissertation refers to the political science as well as the sciences of social communication and media. In the process of preparing the theoretical background for the author's empirical study, the theories of political propaganda and middle-range media studies (including agenda setting, framing, the theory of the cascade model of public opinion, the concept of the spiral of silence, and the concept of a framework for collective action) proved particularly useful. A moderate constructivist approach was chosen.The content of the dissertation consists of two main parts: a theoretical and review, preparing the ground for the author's empirical study (Chapters 1, 2, 3), and a report on the own research conducted by means of quantitative-qualitative content analysis (Chapter 4). The time censorship for the research described in the empirical part was the formal framework of the election campaign implemented before the 2020 Polish presidential election. It took place in the crisis meta-context of the COVID-19 pandemic –between February 5, 2020 and July 12, 2020}, type={tekst}, title={Mechanizmy propagandy politycznej w polskich tygodnikach opinii – analiza porównawcza}, keywords={Polish weekly magazines, propaganda, political parallelism, 2020 Polish presidential election}, }