@misc{Wilimowska_Joanna_Kapłani_2022, author={Wilimowska, Joanna}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, language={pol}, abstract={Priests and their functions in Ptolemaic Egypt in light of the archive of the temple in Soknopaiou Nesos): Little is known about priests and how temples functioned in Ptolemaic Egypt. This paper provides an insight into the organisation and hierarchy of temples under the Ptolemies. The main aim of this paper is to providean overview of the titles and functions of temple personnel by analysing documents from the archive of the temple of Soknopaios and Isis Nepherses in the village of Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh).}, type={text}, title={Kapłani i ich funkcje w Egipcie ptolemejskim w świetle archiwum świątyni w Soknopaiou Nesos}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/samai.2022.7.5.21}, keywords={priests, temple personnel, Ptolemaic Period, Egyptian temples, Soknopaiou Nesos}, }