@misc{Piotrowska_Barbara_Dysharmonia_2022, author={Piotrowska, Barbara}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, language={pol}, abstract={In this paper, the author outlines the cultural and social context of Grechuta’s work, and answers the question: whyresearch a song as a literary genre? Attention is drawn to the inequalities between certain concepts in the Polishlanguage: song, poet, songwriter, singer and song lyrics, which is the main topic of interest in this article. The authoranalyzes Marek Grechuta’s book of poetry and a music album of the same title, Landscape of Hope. The authordescribes the role of music in the lyrics of the song. In the article, she uses a literary tool as well as elements fromthe theory of music and the analysis of a musical work – giving the research an interdisciplinary character. In theconclusion, she emphasizes that it is as worthwhile to focus on researching song in Poland as it is to research poetry}, title={Dysharmonia pomiędzy wierszem a tekstem piosenki na przykładzie twórczości Marka Grechuty w "Krajobrazie pełnym nadziei"}, type={text}, keywords={song studies, singer, sung poetry}, }