@misc{Żytyńska_Małgorzata_Plädoyer_2022, author={Żytyńska, Małgorzata}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, language={ger}, abstract={This article deals with methods of oral-reading, which should improve reading competence and reading fluency. Important when reading aloud are the following components: decoding, accuracy, automaticity, fluency, reading speed and text comprehension. And all these components should be practised with the following oral-reading methods: repeated reading, assisted reading or paired repeated reading. All these aloud-reading methods contribute to the increase of reading competence. Therefore, they should be applied also in German as a foreign language lessons.}, type={text}, title={Plädoyer für Förderung der Vorlesekompetenz im DaF-Bereich – potenzielle Verfahren zur Stärkung der Leseflüssigkeit}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/ajmp.2022.16.22}, keywords={reading competence, reading training, reading fluency, reading speed, prosodic parsing}, }