@misc{Cirovic_Mirka_Reading_2022, author={Cirovic, Mirka}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper aims at reading Shakespeare’s play Othello through the prism of cognitive linguistics, more specifically, through the lens of conceptual metaphor theory. Metaphorical linguistic expressions that have ANIMALS in the source domain are extracted from the play so that matters of race and gender could be discussed from below the level of words, where cognition and conceptualization occur. As the analysis of metaphorical linguistic expressions progresses, the representation of evil will appear to be intertwined with the perception of gender and race, becoming yet another cognitive interest of the literary text. While African American studies, critical race theory, post-colonial studies, Marxist and feminist readings have immensely benefitted the comprehension of the play, conceptual metaphor theory promises to explore and explain how a derogatory perception of “Other” emerges in Othello, along with the offensive language that embodies it. Additional relevant concepts that account for the disturbing pace of the plot towards the catastrophe and tragic end are indoctrination and manipulation. These are specifically related to Iago’s perceptual playing around with unstable and highly sensitive notions such as race, gender, fallen virtue, degraded and demonic human nature, which he presents through disquieting mental images conveyed by powerful metaphorical language.}, type={text}, title={Reading Othello Through the Prism of Conceptual Metaphor Theory; Animals as Source Domains}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/ajmp.2022.15.11}, keywords={Othello, conceptual metaphor, source domain, animals}, }