@misc{Tikhonov_Andrey_Organizacje_2022, author={Tikhonov, Andrey}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, school={University of Wroclaw}, year={2022}, language={pol}, abstract={This PhD thesis is devoted to a question of political subjectivity of Polish blind and visually impaired people’s nonprofit organizations which are engaged in social and vocational rehabilitation. This explanatory and descriptive research is embedded in the sociopolitical theory of disability. For the purpose of this research, functioning and activities of nine nonprofit organizations have been analyzed. The selected organizations have been founded by persons with visual disability and are managed by them. The selected nine nongovernmental organizations work in the field of rehabilitation of blind and visually impaired people in the whole country.This thesis contains theoretical considerations regarding subjectivity (agency) from the point of view of sociology and political science. Nonprofit organizations can be described as manifestation of external subjectivity *agency) of blind and visually impaired people. Internal subjectivity of staff members and clients with visual disability plays an important role in functioning of these organizations and in the process of management. Nongovernmental organizations realize public benefit activity (as defined in Polish legislation) what creates conditions for social capital development of a social group of blind and visually impaired people. As a result of public benefit activity, clients of nongovernmental organizations obtain and use skills and knowledge to increase degree of political subjectivity of nonprofit organizations.}, type={text}, title={Organizacje pozarządowe działające na rzecz osób z niepełnosprawnością wzrokową jako podmioty polityki w Polsce}, keywords={political subjectivity, agency, nonprofit organizations, nongovernmental organizations, visual disability}, }