@misc{Biłobran_Czesław_Społeczne_2022, author={Biłobran, Czesław}, copyright={Copyright by Czesław Biłobran}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, school={University of Wroclaw}, year={2022}, language={pol}, abstract={The thesis aims to discover the social operators of domination that concern the local threats occurring in the Nysa district. Operators of domination have been broadly defined as cognitive operators which are used by an agent in an (un)secure environment (Maciejewski2014). Cognitive operators, in turn, are “all the relevant instrumental means of taking action, be they artificially produced or simply involved into an action conducted by the agent; hence, they encompass not only ‘objects’ but also certain processes, developments and things functioning as signs that were utilised to carry out conscious actions” (Dąmbska 1967:22 in Niźnik 1989:187). The particular research objectives involved specifying the threats present in the mental space of the inhabitants of the Nysa district. These aims made it possible to establish the way in which agents (both individuals and groups) form a “secure society” in order to appropriately react to any possible existing or future threats.}, type={text}, title={Społeczne konstruowanie operatorów dominacji nad zagrożeniami występującymi lokalnie na przykładzie powiatu nyskiego}, keywords={sociology, threats, ontological security, (un)secure environment, risk society, insecurity, social and cultural capital, social networks, dispositional groups, cognitive operatorsof dominance, agency, education for security, culture of fear}, }