@misc{Dołęga_Zofia_System_2022, author={Dołęga, Zofia}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Naukowe EDUsfera}, language={pol}, abstract={The work concerns a comparative analysis of family systems and the feeling of loneliness of teenagers coming from families separated and not separated, for economic reasons. Systemic dimensions of the family referring to the Circumplex Model by David Olson (2011) were analysed, such as coherence (from disengaged, separated, connected,to enmeshed), adaptability / flexibility (from rigid, structured, flexible, to chaotic), communication, and satisfaction with family life. Teenagers’ sense of loneliness was presented in accordance with the original three-dimensional concept of social, emotional, and existential psychological loneliness.}, title={System rodzinny a poczucie samotności młodzieży z rodzin o typowej organizacji życia i rodzin rozłączonych z powodów ekonomicznych}, type={text}, keywords={family system, young people, feeling lonely, separated family}, }