@misc{Sikorska_Joanna_Digital_2022, author={Sikorska, Joanna}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Naukowe EDUsfera}, language={pol}, abstract={Artistic creation is currently facing new challenges, but it is also posing challenges to itself, as it is increasingly linked to the development of new technologies that are leading to changes in both the creation, and reception, of art. Art on the Internet, and net art (Internet/virtual art), or digital art, for which cyberspace has become a place closely related to the display of artistic creations, differ from each other, mainly because the art on the Internet exists outside the Web and is used only as a medium and one of many possibilities to reach the recipient, while for net art or digital art the Web becomes a material, a natural environment, a context, and in many cases the subject of their creations.}, title={Digital art – w poszukiwaniu różnych form wyrazu artystycznego w kulturze nowych mediów}, type={text}, keywords={cyberspace, artistic creativity, digital art, digital painting, adolescents}, }