@misc{Michalik_Paweł_Czy_2022, author={Michalik, Paweł}, copyright={Copyright by Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2023}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck}, language={pol}, abstract={Predictive analytics is one of the ways of using artificial intelligence in the work of lawyers to improve their work. However, not everyone believes that predictive analytics in the judiciary can be used without restrictions. In this paper, the author will attempt to answer the question whether predictive analytics poses a threat to the implementation of the right to a fair trial not only for entities seeking legal protection in a civil trial, but also for the society which exercises public control over the activities of the judiciary. The basis for the considerations will be Art. 33 of the French Act No 2019-222 of 23 March 2019 on the programming and the reform of the judiciary for 2018-2022, acts of public international law, as well as the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the Code of Civil Procedure – due to a potential possibility of using this tool in the Polish legal system by the so-called mass reasons, which still requires a proper interpretation of the applicable legal provisions and the introduction of new legal solutions to the necessary extent.}, title={Czy analiza predykcyjna stanowi zagrożenie dla rzeczywistej realizacji prawa do sądu?}, type={text}, doi={10.34616/144182}, keywords={artificial intelligence, civil procedure, predictive analytics}, }