@misc{Woźny_Aleksander_Scenariusze, author={Woźny, Aleksander}, copyright={Copyright by Aleksander Woźny and Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Sp. z o.o., Wrocław 2020}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The present book, devoted to cultural scripts, seeks to broaden the horizon in media research, and to formulate a concept which makes it possible to equip humanistic refl ection in medicine with new research instruments and which provides tools-remedies within the framework of narrative medicine as applied in practice. The first task is associated with an attempt to overcome the reductionist approach, which predominates not only in Polish media studies. It stems largely from a tradition — cultivated by many scholars — of treating communication as transmission, a tradition originating in the United States at the turn of the 1950s among engineers studying the functioning of telegraph. It fi nds its fullest expression in the common practice of explaining various phenomena in the media by citing political factors. There is really no room at the top of the media studies hierarchy for communication philosophy or media anthropology. This is the perspective which places them in the right position and which is advocated by the author of the book. He sees it in the concept of cultural scripts, understood as common, relative durable ideas (cultural imaginarium) and, at the same time, patterns of behaviour — changeable and dynamic, hard to reconstruct in research refl ection. The former make up repertoires of forms thanks to which members of various communities organise and give meaning to their worlds, construct figures of the imagination bringing together what exists in the form of eternal topoi, motifs, standard icons; the latter are “enacted”, usually unconsciously, by media users. In the script category defined in such a way, each act of communication is understood as becoming “imprinted” on a matrix in which what matters more than the message is its cultural determinant.}, abstract={Книга о сценариях культуры является пропозицией к расширению горизонта в исследованиях над средствами массовой информации и к такой концепции, которая создает возможность использования гуманистической рефлексии в медицине в качестве нового инструмента исследования и одновременно даёт средства-лекарства в рамках используемой нарративной медицины.}, title={Scenariusze kultury w mediach i w medycynie narracyjnej}, type={tekst}, keywords={analiza tekstu literackiego, mass media, dyskurs, komunikacja w polityce, komunikacja aspekt społeczny, kultura, etnologia}, }