@misc{Gołowkin–Hudała_Magdalena_Change_2020, author={Gołowkin–Hudała, Magdalena}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={EDUsfera. Ewa Jurczyk-Romanowska}, language={pol}, abstract={Our name is a part of our identity, we are perceived through its prism in society, and it is used on an everyday basis. A change of name is only possible in cases specified by law and essentially related to the will of the person concerned. In the case ofthe surname of the stepson, who has reached the age of thirteen, adopted by the stepfather or stepmother, the child cannot refuse to change their current surname. In the event of anadoption, a person may receive a surname created by the addition of the surname of the stepfather or stepmother to their current surname or through taking the surname of the adopting person. Such a solution in the case of a thirteen-year-old who identifies with their name hitherto, may be difficult to accept.}, title={Change of the name of the 13-year-old adopted stepson. Some comments de lege lata and de lege ferenda}, type={tekst}, keywords={adoption, surname, child’s welfare, secret of adoption, stepson}, }