@misc{Napieralska_Lidia_Aktywizacja_2021, author={Napieralska, Lidia and Jasińska, Izabela and Śledzińska, Katarzyna and Witczak, Ewa and Jarzyna, Violeta}, copyright={Copyright by Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={E-Wydawnictwo. Prawnicza i Ekonomiczna Biblioteka Cyfrowa. Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Issues related to the problems of people with disabilities are widely discussed, especially in terms of improving the quality of life. One of them is professional activation and prevention of social exclusion through ergotherapy, i.e. work therapy. In the European Union countries, the rate of professional activity of disabled people in working age is approx. 50%, in Poland – in the 3 rd quarter of 2020 – it amounted to 30.9% and has the growing tendency. People with motor disabilities have reduced body mobility, but they can perform repetitive tasks in teams working, for example on production lines. The offer of work wear available on the market mainly concerns typical people with standard body sizes. Functionalization of traditional work wear by adjusting it to the needs of people with motor disabilities moving with a wheelchair, as well as increasing its availability in the offer of clothing companies, may improve the professional activation of this group of people. In the case of employment of disabled people, the consideration by the employer the ergonomic principles, anthropometric features and the degree of dysfunction are one of the criteria for organizing a proper workplace. Functional and safe work wear is one of the criteria for designing the workplace. The functional work wear concept was developed in construction and material aspects, taking into account the specificity of silhouette and the needs of disabled workers in a wheelchair, implementing the design process as follows: – analysis of available products and determination of end-user characteristics and needs related to the clothing; – development of design assumptions in aspect of construction and materials; – graphic preparation of model designs within the specific product category; – design and technological analysis of projects; – prototyping. In order to fixing the user characteristics and recipients of clothing, the questionnaire – environmental study on the employment of people with disabilities was directed to domestic employers. A diagnosis of the needs in the area of working clothes was carried out, both in terms of the type of work performed, as well as in terms of the employeeʼs self-service or with additional assistance while dressing/undressing. The paper presents graphic designs of the developed collection of work wear for the group of people with motor disabilities moving with a wheelchair. The planned environmental study of work wear – in end users environment – will verify the developed guidelines aimed at implementing special work wear into the production. The availability of work clothes for people with disabilities will improve activation and strengthen the therapy through professional work.}, type={text}, title={Aktywizacja zawodowa osób z niepełnosprawnościami motorycznymi poprzez funkcjonalizację odzieży roboczej}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/142104}, keywords={people with motor disabilities, ergotherapy, functional work wear}, }