@misc{Łuc_Monika_Ochrona_2021, author={Łuc, Monika}, copyright={Copyright by Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2023}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck}, language={pol}, abstract={The amendment of Directive 2017/1132, in addition to the new regulation on cross-border conversion and division of limited liability companies, introduces a number of changes with regard to cross-border mergers. The evolution of the EU regulation in this area leads to the conclusion that the EU legislator seeks to strengthen the protection of creditors and minority shareholders. In this article, the author attempts to compare the amended provisions of Directive 2017/1132 regarding the protection of creditors and minority shareholders with the current provisions of the Polish Commercial Companies Code. In view of the necessity to implement the EU provisions by 2023, one needs to consider the question of the extent and how the Polish legislator should adapt the existing provisions that regulate the legal situation of creditors and minority shareholders in the situation of cross-border mergers.}, type={text}, title={Ochrona wierzycieli i wspólników mniejszościowych przy transgranicznym łączeniu się spółek kapitałowych – implementacja przepisów dyrektywy 2019/2121 do polskiego porządku prawnego}, doi={10.34616/142786}, keywords={cross-border merger, Directive 2017/1132, Directive 2019/2121, protection of creditors, protection of minority shareholders}, }