@misc{Korobczak_Paweł_Skryty_2018, author={Korobczak, Paweł}, copyright={Copyright by Paweł Korobczak}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Oficyna Wydawnicza Arboretum}, abstract={The dissertation is an attempt to indicate the ontological dimension of the ethicality. It situates the research on the ethicality in the ontological area of Heidegger's reflection, which precedes possible moral solutions and models of ethics as a branch of philosophy. Without reducing the issue of the ethicality to one or another ethical concept, the study does not focus on the reconstruction of the model of ethics, based on the existentials of resoluteness, guilt, conscience, falling and the authentic existence, which can be found in Being and Time. The attempt is rather to point to concealment as an essential structure of the ethical, present in Heidegger's thought regardless of the turn it takes. The point of reference is the relation of concealment and unconcealment - unconcealment which itself should be understood as the modus of the concealment. The unconcealment remains a kind of element or place in which the disclosure of what is takes place. This "local" aspect of concealment points to its significantly "ethical" character in a specifically Heideggerian sense. Significant is also the coincidence with Heidegger's understanding of truth as a space of freedom situated at the ontological level. Place, ethics, truth, and freedom are revealed as moments of practicality, which remains a strictly ontological structure, referred to in the dissertation as the "Between" structure. The structure of the "Between", shown as the dynamics of difference, remains in close relationship with finitude, which plays a fundamental role in Heidegger's thought. In this context, the reflection on the crisis of values is also undertaken and a direction of research on the possible restitution of value thinking is proposed.}, type={text}, title={Skryty wymiar etyczności w myśli Martina Heideggera}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/139233}, keywords={Heidegger, ethicality, concealment, place, Between, difference, finitude, value}, }