@misc{Bożek_Wojciech_Fundusz_2020, author={Bożek, Wojciech}, copyright={Copyright by Uniwersytet Wrocławski}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii}, language={pol}, abstract={The study discusses the issues of the Liquidity Guarantee Fund established at Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. The interest areas in the analysis include matters of sources of funds gathered in the said Fund, the role of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego in this plane of public funds involvement and also allocation of the receipts to the Liquidity Guarantee Fund. Due to the direction of the analysis, it was necessary to also refer to the financial dimension of the introduced legal solutions by invoking budget legislation. The study aims to establish the type of receipts taken into account in the framework of the Liquidity Guarantee Fund and their nature, considering goals assigned to this Fund. Due to the adopted methodology of calculating government debt in Poland and in the European Union, it was also necessary to establish the impact of actions taken under the Liquidity Guarantee Fund on the state of government debt. The goal made it necessary to use the method of interpretation of applicable laws and also a legal analysis of acts of law universally in force and decisions of the Constitutional Tribunal. The statistical method is also used to the necessary extent, which allowed showing the financial dimension of the discussed issues and their impact on the state of public finances. The need for on-going monitoring of the state of government debt associated with the operation of the Liquidity Guarantee Fund was demonstrated in conclusions as well as the need to introduce transparent and relevant legal solutions which will serve to aid economic development and stability of public finances in the time of the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2.}, type={text}, title={Fundusz Gwarancji Płynnościowych – aspekty finansowoprawne}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/kpf.2020.1.52.75}, keywords={Liquidity Guarantee Fund, sureties, guarantees, governmentdebt}, }