@misc{Zaguła_Joanna_Feminizm, author={Zaguła, Joanna}, copyright={Copyright by Katedra Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych WPAiE UWr, Koło Naukowe Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych WPAiE & Authors}, howpublished={online}, language={pol}, abstract={The author attempts to find an axiological justification of law in the doctrine of feminism. To do so, she uses an example of regulations concerning Muslim women’s clothing in public space in sharia law system. She compares those regulations with law in Western democratic system (sensu largo). In the first part of the article the author describes relation of feminism to the system of law, to later ask how the law should look like to be considered axiologically justified by feminism. The second part of the article is an exemplification of legal regulations that would be considered unacceptable by this doctrine. It is also an attempt to formulate recommendations which will allow creation of law acceptable by the feminists}, title={Feminizm wobec Orientu - próba odnalezienia aksjologicznego uzasadnienia prawa w doktrynie feminizmu}, keywords={feminism, women’s rights, sharia law, axiological justification of law}, }